Author: <span class="vcard">admin</span>

Now available: HPL-200

Ever wanted to shoot with lights as strong as halogens but without the heat and the yellow cast? We now have high powered LED lights at your disposal.

These lights come with 200-watt LED bulbs with white color temperature. It accepts bowens mount modifiers so your creativity doesn’t end with just the standard bowl reflectors.

Power is controlled using a step knob with 5 different output settings. At full power, this light measures: f22 @ 0.5 meter, f13 @ 1 meter , f9.0 @ 1.5 meters, ISO 100 1/30 sec. This is actually brighter than halogen lights and kino flo type fluorescent lights.

Unlike our kino flo type fluorescent, the HPL-200 can easily be tilted up or down or even be mounted on a boom stand.

photos HPL

Overtime Rate Change

Please be guided that our staff overtime rate is now PhP80.00 per hour in excess of 8 hours.

Thank you.

VAT Inclusive Rates for 2016

Come 2016, we will be issuing VAT-Registered official receipts. In line with this matter, we are adjusting our rates to include VAT. This will benefit companies to claim input tax for their books.

Adjustment in rates will be reflected as soon as we receive our new official receipts. We will make an announcement once the new rates are posted.

Thank you.

Teleprompter Now Available!

When facing the camera and reading a script, it’s most common for people to either memorize, look down on a piece of paper or look at the side of the camera where the script is hanging. With a teleprompter, it resolves the issue of the eyes not looking straight into the camera. This make the reporter/interviewer/host look natural when reading his script.


Mitsubishi Mirage TV Commercial “Passione” 2015 Philippines

Proudly posting our light setup in the recent release of Mitsubishi Mirage TV Commercial.


These are screen grabs from the TVC:

Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 11.53.46 PM

Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 11.54.09 PM

Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 11.54.44 PM

Here’s the full TVC that also featured Advertising Photographer, John Chua… MUST WATCH!

Check out the Mitsubishi Mirage today! BUY ONE TODAY!

Setup inclusions:
1 set Strobe with Terabox
1 set Strobe with Octabox 150
2 sets Strobe with Umbrella 75
2 sets Strobe with Umbrella 60

Rimelite i6 now available

We now have higher powered battery-operated strobes for rent. Rimelite i6.

Globeline Now Activated

02.239.8211 is now activated.

(02)410660 is now deactivated

Please standby for our new land line. We will post it as soon as hook it up to our phones.

You can still reach us at (02)721.41.81

Thank you.

C-Stands now available!

We now have heavy duty C-STANDS to carry heavy strobes such as the Kino Flo Type Fluorescent Light Banks. It will now be standard match for these lights so as to perfectly secure the weight of the lights.

C-Stands are available as a single item as well.

Assistant Rate Change

Increase in rate for our assistants.

600 for 8 hours
50 per hour after 8 hours

This goes to our assistants who are unemployed and work only as freelance assistants. Let’s make it a good year for them.

Happy New Year!